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ترجمات مطلوبة - bolachita

لغة مصدر
لغة الهدف

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لغة مصدر
انجليزي O n the special occa¬sion of the 40th...
On the special occa¬sion of the 40th An¬niversary of the Afri¬can Development Bank, the Portu-guese Government would like to seize the op¬portunity to extend its war¬mest congra-tulation to the Institution, its President, Management and Staff for their able skill and leader¬ship in moving the Bank Group forward, adapting it to new challenges and cir¬cumstances and, above all, promoting the Bank's vi¬sion and objective of po¬verty eradication in the African continent.

ترجمات كاملة
برتغاليّ No acontecimento especial de 40.°...